Crypto deals for Black Friday 2022

November 25, 2022 is Black Friday and I wanted to check out useful deals in the crypto space.

Every fourth Friday in November, we celebrate Black Friday by buying things at a significant discount. Black Friday used to be the start of the shopping season leading up to Christmas, with traditional retailers luring shoppers into their stores. Online shopping accounts for roughly 80% of all sales in the US. The block chain and crypto space has evolved over the last ten years, and Black Friday deals are available here too.

Hardware wallets

Hardware wallets are getting more and more important as we have seen too many people having their coins and NFTs stolen from their Custodial wallet and Non-Custodial wallet.

Ledger is giving $30 of free Bitcoin when you get one of their cold storage devices.


If you are doing a bit of crypto and NFT trading you know how quickly the transactions add up. I was just discussing this topic with my tax advisor as this is on top of mind as we get into tax season.

Glassnode has a product called Accointing where you can track your crypto portfolio and file taxes. They have a 40% saving going on right now.